Maximize Potential
with seminars, workshops, resources, & continuous learning grounded in two bodies work that support developing collaborative teams and increase individual potential

Who do we benefit?
Students, ultimately, benefit from Thinking Collaborative offerings. Educators — who envision thinking and collaboration as essential 21st Century skills — will benefit from Thinking Collaborative Seminars.

Develop Collaborative Teams
Educational and non-educational environments benefit from our seminars, which provide skill development as collaborators, inquirers, and leaders and increase capacity for teams to reach greater levels of success.
Adaptive Schools Seminars® include:
Foundation Seminar: Schools and Corporate
Advanced Training
Adaptive Schools Refreshers
Presentation Skills
Facilitation Skills
Four Hats of Shared Leadership
Teacher Leadership

Increase Individual Potential
Cognitive Coaching℠ is a model that supports individuals and organizations in becoming self-directed, and in turn, become self-managing, self-monitoring and self-modifying. The results are stronger individuals within a team and better organizational teams overall.
Cognitive Coaching Seminars® include:
Foundation Seminar: Schools and Corporate
Advanced Training
Group Coaching
Calibrating Conversation Training
CC Skill Builders
Presentation Skills
Teacher Leadership