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About Our


Our workshops offer opportunities for all levels of learning within the Thinking Collaborative work. 

Adaptive Organizations

Adaptive Organizations training offers the tools and concepts necessary to develop the skills of collaboration so that organizations can leverage the benefits of diversity in meeting the certain challenges of today as well as the uncertain challenges of tomorrow. It takes participants beyond the theory of collaboration to authentic implementation of developing leader and group member skills for continuous team improvement. Adaptive Organizations is the “how” of collaborative groups: how to behave in groups, how to lead them, and how to facilitate them for agile and adaptive organizations.

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organizations and companies interested in developing, facilitating, and leading effective groups

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Adaptive Schools Overview

Schedule this one day workshop to learn about how Adaptive Schools can support developing professional community in schools. Participants will gain an understanding of becoming adaptive and experience structures and processes for collaborative conversations.

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organizations interested in learning more about Adaptive Schools before scheduling a foundation seminar

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2 hours, 1/2 day, 1 day

Adaptive Schools Refreshers

The Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminar provides training in the fundamental understanding of the principles and practices of Adaptive Schools. Refreshers are intended to develop mastery in authentic settings. They are not intended to teach new knowledge and skills, but instead to provide formative feedback on proficiency with the skills and concepts while developing self-directedness in groups to assist them in becoming self-managing, self-monitoring, and self-modifying.

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groups and individuals who have completed Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminars

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Calibrating Conversation

The Calibrating Conversation is a fourth map of Cognitive Coaching designed to support evaluators and coaches who strive to support self-directed learning in those they supervise.This map utilizes a rubric or other standards instrument to support teachers in self-assessing by using data and setting goals for continued growth. This one day training is designed for evaluators wishing to refine their skills in coaching while integrating coaching into their evaluation process.

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evaluators wishing to refine their skills in coaching while integrating coaching into their evaluation process; must completed Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminars®

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Cognitive Coaching Overview

Schedule this one day workshop to better understand Cognitive CoachingSM and how it can increase individual potential. Participants will experience the power of a structured conversation and leave with an increased consciousness and craftsmanship in applying communication skills to develop trust and rapport.

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organizations looking to learn more about Cognitive CoachingSM before scheduling a foundation seminar

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Cognitive Coaching Skill Builders

CC Skill Builders are designed to build mastery around the maps and tools of Cognitive Coaching. The four main components of the Skill Builders are:
• Data To Mediate Thinking
• Planning and Reflecting
• Problem Resolving
• Tools CC Proficiency

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Cognitive Coaching℠ Skill Builder: Coaching Tools

Coaches must be skillful with four coaching tools in order to effectively mediate thinking and remain in the coaching support function. Participants will self-assess their current skill level. They will review and practice each of the four tools: rapport, pausing, paraphrasing, and posing mediative questions. Practice will focus on using the essential coaching pattern of pause, paraphrase, pause, pose a question in the context of planning and reflecting.

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groups and individuals who have completed Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminars®

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Cognitive Coaching℠ Skill Builder: Reflecting & Planning Coaching Maps

The Planning and Reflecting Map are essential for those wishing to establish regular coaching cycles as well as serving as templates for conversations to guide self-directed learning. This Skill Builder provides an in-depth review of the maps with consideration given as to why each region supports the planning or reflecting process. Extensive practice is included in this Skill Builder in order to assist participants in internalizing these two maps.

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groups and individuals who have completed Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminars®

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Cognitive Coaching℠ Skill Builder: The Problem-Resolving Map

This map is the most sophisticated map learned in the Foundation Seminar®. This module invites participants to continue to study the concept of Cognitive Shift in the context of supporting others who are in low resource and are seemingly stuck. The skills of Pacing and Leading are revisited as well as a deep dive into considering how the States of Mind are resources for moving from Existing State to Desired State. Extensive practice is embedded in this Skill Builder.

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groups and individuals who have completed Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminars®

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Cognitive Coaching℠ Skill Builder: Using Data to Mediate Thinking

The coach’s use of data and mediative questions are critical to self-directed learning. This Skill Builder invites participants to go deeper in how data provides a catalyst for making meaning. It opens with a historical perspective on how schools have added data use to school improvement processes.

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groups and individuals who have completed Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminars®

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Facilitation Skills

In this two-day seminar, participants will acquire and refine maps and tools to increase flexibility, confidence, and authenticity as a facilitator. As Garmston and Wellman explained in the Adaptive School: A Sourcebook for Developing Collaborative Groups (2016), "A facilitator manages processes so that a group can plan, problem solve, share information, evaluate, and make decisions efficiently and effectively. A facilitator also works to improve group members’ ability to work together effectively and helps groups to improve their processes.”

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organizations and individuals who want to develop as skillful facilitators

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Group Coaching

Cognitive CoachingSM was developed as a means to support individuals. As knowledge of that process developed, questions arose about how the same knowledge, skills, and tools might be applied with groups and organizations. Given the shortage of time in schools, it makes sense to think about group and organizational applications of coaching. This one-day training will offer thinking around how group coaching differs from facilitation and individual coaching. Group coaching capabilities will be described as a framework for thinking about how small group coaching skills build on individual coaching skills. Applications and possibilities for the impact of group coaching will be explored. Principles and practices for using Cognitive CoachingSM as a tool for developing collaborative groups will be presented.

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groups and individuals who have completed Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminars®

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Presentation Skills

Building on the work of Robert Garmston and other master presenters, this two-day seminar will focus on the skills, structures, and identity that support skilled presenting. The purpose of the training is to develop the confidence and competence a presenter needs. The presenter’s moves will also transfer to facilitations that the individual is asked to lead. Using the metaphor container, the participants will use the Event Design Map to structure an upcoming presentation.

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organizations and individuals who want to develop as skillful presenters

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Presenters Forum

The Presenters’ Forum is a workshop designed to support all those who want to develop their skills in making effective presentations. Educators, as well as leaders in any field who regularly present to others, will benefit from the Forum. The Forum follows a constructivist-based design and teaches “best practices” of presenting. Participants will engage in a highly interactive seminar throughout the Forum.

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Teacher Leadership - 2-Day

Educational practices are under major transition from a focus on teaching to a focus on learning that prepares all students to be college and career ready. Principals are striving to develop leadership within the teacher ranks to better support these significant reforms. This two-day training will provide teacher leaders with the mindsets and skill sets to take on new and expanded leadership roles.

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