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Desert Highway
Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.

Sustaining the Journey

Finding Nine

Authored By:

Thinking Collaborative


August 26, 2013

As leaders in systems, it is important that have clarity about the rationale behind an emphasis and commitment to Cognitive CoachingSM. Twenty+ years of research guides us in being able to articulate the importance and impact of Cognitive CoachingSM. Thinking Collaborative is grateful to Jenny Edwards for her ongoing efforts to synthesize and document the research on Cognitive CoachingSM. Each week for July and August, we will focus on one of the nine findings in the research.

Finding Nine: Cognitive CoachingSM benefited people in fields other than teaching.

Though Cognitive CoachingSM was originally designed as a model to support teachers and educational organizations in becoming self-directed, research has shown Cognitive CoachingSM to benefit fields beyond education.

What might be some personal benefits to people in other fields when they are coached? How might their work be enhanced with Cognitive CoachingSM? What might coaching sound like for other fields?

A full report of the research may be purchased at our website.

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