Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.
Sustaining the Journey
Holding a Confident Stance
Authored By:
Thinking Collaborative
May 29, 2017
This month Sustaining the Thinking Collaborative Journey is focusing on some of the micro-skills of presenting that are addressed in the Presenters Forum. The Forum is available to anyone wishing to become a more masterful presenter and to those wanting to become an Adaptive Schools or Cognitive CoachingSM trainer in association with Thinking Collaborative. This year’s Presenters Forum will be held in Lone Tree, Colorado, on September 18-21, 2017. Registration is available online at https://www.thinkingcollaborative.com/presenters-forum/.
What is the best way to convey a confident stance when presenting? Begin by standing still as you present. Wandering as you speak is a visual distraction from your message. Keep your feet wide, matching your shoulders. This gives you balance and stability and conveys confidence. When you are not intentionally gesturing, hands should be at your sides rather than crossed in the front or back.
What are you aware of in how you hold your body when presenting? Invite a participant to offer feedback or use video to study your own patterns. Small changes can convey greater self-assurance to your audience.
Source: Wezowski, K. Harvard Business Review. April 6, 2016.