Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.
Sustaining the Journey
Purposes of Reflection
Authored By:
Thinking Collaborative
June 06, 2016
June, for most educators, is a time of endings. Endings can bring celebration and relief. We offer that June is a perfect time, with less stress and demands, for reflection and learning. Costa and Garmston suggest
Reflection is a process of self-discovery, pattern finding, and analysis. It is an exercise in
comparative thinking, recalling what was planned and finding similarities and differences in what actually occurred.
Reflection can occur with an individual or a group. What might be some key players or groups that would be important to focus on for reflection this month?
The Reflecting Conversation Map begins with inviting the coachee(s) to summarize impressions and recall supporting information. This is an important region because it invites memory as well as a focus on data. Often our filters of perception distort what actually happened. Inviting referral to actual data in this region provides for more accurate perceptions. The coach may provide data as well as invite the coachee(s) to recall data.
This region should also invite recall of affective information as well as the cognitive. “How are you feeling about …? Is as important as “What are some things you recall about…?”
If you were to focus on reflection as you end the year, what might be some topics that you would like to address? How might you begin the conversation to focus on the affective and cognitive?
Costa, A. L., & Garmston, R. J. (with C. Hayes & J. Ellison). (2015). Cognitive Coaching: Developing self-directed leaders and learners (Christopher-Gordon New Editions, 3rd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield