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Training Associates

Adaptive Schools & Cognitive Coaching SM


A global community of collaborators, mediators of thinking, inquirers, and leaders committed to providing rich  learning experiences for all participants.

Bess Sullivan Scott

Bess Scott, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at Doane University in Lincoln, Nebraska and co-author of a 2019 book, Pursuing Greatness: Empowering Teachers to Take Charge of Their Professional Growth. Bess spent her 36-year public school career as a teacher and administrator in PK-12 schools and district office in Nebraska. Bess has also been a managing consultant for McREL International. She is a national training associate for Thinking Collaborative - Adaptive Schools as well as a MBTI Certified Practitioner. Bess has presented at multiple national conferences including AASPA, Learning Forward, NSDC, ASCD, NASSP, NAESP, NMSA, and AMLE.

402 202-1512

Roca, NE, USA
Adaptive Schools
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