Training Associates
Adaptive Schools & Cognitive Coaching SM

A global community of collaborators, mediators of thinking, inquirers, and leaders committed to providing rich learning experiences for all participants.
Jane Ellison
Jane Ellison has been an integral part of the Cognitive Coaching community since 1989. Entrusted with the leadership and perpetuation of the work by Art Costa and Bob Garmston, she has served as the Executive Co-Director of Thinking Collaborative with Michael Dolcemascolo and the Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Coaching with Carolee Hayes.
Jane is a former elementary teacher, principal and director, whose experiences include teaching graduate classes in South America, attending the Principals� Institutes at Columbia Teachers� College and Harvard University, and chairing the Board of Directors of the Principal�s Center at the University of Colorado, Denver. She is co-author of Cognitive Coaching: Weaving Threads of Learning and Change into the Culture of an Organization; Effective School Leadership: Developing Principals with Cognitive Coaching; and a contributing author to the 3rd Edition of Cognitive Coaching: Developing Self-Directed Leaders and Learners.
Jane holds a B.A. in Elementary Education and Social Sciences from SMU, an M.Ed. in Elementary Supervision from the University of North Texas, and an Ed.D. in Administration from VPI&SU , Blacksburg, Virginia. �
Special Qualifications